Registering a Brain Atlas

Use case


This specification describes the process of register a brain atlas. The process starts with a subject collection which are imaged and processed to generate 3 derived entities: a template image data, a parcellation image data, as well as brain parcellation labels. The first 2 entities are further transformed into volumetric representation, from which an atlas spatial reference system is derived. The parcellation labels are converted into ontology. The final template volume, parcellation volume, parcellation ontology as well as the atlas spatial reference system are used to form an atlas release.

Supported Data Queries

From a specific version of a brain atlas:

  • Get the brain parcellation dataset
  • Get the brain parcellation labels dataset
  • Get the image stack datasets
  • Get the coordinate system of the atlas spatial reference system

Data Provenance pattern

Registering a brain atlas



The different entity types involved are described below.

Type Description
SubjectCollection A collection of subject to be used in the experiment
TemplateImageData Template image data acquired and processed from the subject collection
ParcellationImageData Parcellation image data generated from the template image data
ParcellationLabel Parcellation labels correspond to the annotations in the parcellation image
TemplateVolume Template volume generated from the template image data
ParcellationVolume Parcellation volume generated from the parcellation image data
ParcellationOntology Parcellation ontology converted from the parcellation label
AtlasSpatialReferenceSystem The spatial coordinate system of the atlas space
AtlasRelease An atlas release comprises template volume, parcellation volume, parcellation ontology as well as the atlas spatial reference system
Protocol Protocol that describes the method used in the design and execution of the experiment


Type Description
Atlas Construction Process to construct a brain atlas
Template Reconstruction Reconstruct the template image data into volumetric representation
Parcellation Reconstruction Reconstruct the parcellation image data into volumetric representation
Ontology Conversion Convert the parcellation label into ontological representation


Type Description
Person Person associated with an activity
SoftwareAgent Software associated with an activity
Organization Organization associated with an activity
