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Want to help?

If you want to join this project, please check out our INCF Working Group and apply for joining it by filling in this form.


ARTEM-IS is developed by an INCF working group, in partnership with eCOBIDAS.

A centralized list of the people who contributed to this project can be found here.

Serve the website locally (on your computer)


  • Python

To install all the necessary packages, type the following in a terminal in the root of the repository:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Serve the website

Type the following in a terminal in the root of the repository:

mkdocs serve

How to update the spreadsheet

There is an automated workflow that will grab the different ARTEMIS spreadsheet from google drive and merge them into a single spreadsheet.

It can be triggered manually:

  • Go to the action tab of the repository (only visible if you are a maintainer of the repository)
  • Select the "workflow" you want to run (in this case the "Update spreadsheet" workflow)
  • Click on the Run workflow dropdown and then on the Run workflow button


  • Once the workflow has finished, if there are any changes in the content of the spreadsheet, the workflow will have opened a "pull-request", that you can view in the Pull requests tab.


  • You can inspect the changes made in the spreadsheets by opening the pull-request and then clicking on the Files changed tab.


  • If you are OK with the changes, you can approve them by clicking on the Merge pull request button in the Conversation tab.
